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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

Photos from the Conejohela Flats


"Western" Willet - 08/24/07 - Gull Island (Tom Amico)



Greater White-fronted Goose - 4/11/07 - Volleyball Net (Cameron Rutt)



American x Common Teal intergrade - 4/19/07 - Avocet Point (Cameron Rutt)


American Golden-Plover - 9/11/05 - Avocet Point (Tom Johnson)




American Avocets (female on L, male on R) - 7/12/07 -  Gull Island (Tom Johnson)



Short-billed Dowitcher- 7/15/07 (Drew Weber)



Ruddy Turnstone (worn adult) - 8/22/2006 - South Spit (Cameron Rutt)



Sanderling - 9/2/05 - South Spit (Tom Johnson)



White-rumped Sandpiper - 6/11/06 - Avocet Point (Tom Johnson)



Baird's Sandpiper (juvenile) - 9/15/05 - South Spit (Tom Johnson)


Buff-breasted Sandpiper (juvenile) - 8/28/2006 - Avocet Point (Cameron Rutt)



Buff-breasted Sandpiper (juvenile) - 8/28/2006 - Avocet Point (Cameron Rutt)


Franklin's Gull (first cycle) - 6/10/07 (photo courtesy of Eric Witmer)


Prothonotary Warbler - 7/4/03 (Tom Johnson)






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